The always wonderful Karen Thompson--delightful writer, excellent rider, former California Triple Crown Stage Race podium-ette, former and current randonneuse--submitted the following crunched numbers...
Bumped into the blogs off Sherry’s posting last night about education….so from last Saturday’s club ride, I offer the following if you are indeed accepting submissions:
Fort Ross/Meyer's Grade/Hwy 1/Coleman Valley loop from Santa Rosa, by the numbers (and with apologies to the Harper’s Index)
Minutes that I left the house after I had intended: 58
Number of what rhymes with Ped Releton riders in a paceline passing me while calling out, “on your left.” 0 (out of six.)
Number of minutes I was late to the start of the SRCC club ride starting in Occidental: 10
Total miles ridden: 86.8
In randonneuse: 139.691 kilometers
Feet climbed: 6086
Which would be the equivalent of scaling the Burj Khalifa in Dubai 2.2358 times
Number of fawns and does that ran in front of me on Frei Road and then hopped alongside for 100 meters: 3.
Number of water bottles on the bike: 2
Number of water bottle tops, as noted on mile six: 1
Number of bikes that passed me going up Fort Ross Road: 0
Number of bikes that were behind me at the start of the climb: 0
Number of minutes I was waiting in line at Raymond’s bakery in Cazadero to acquire a bottle of water with a top and a tasty foccacia for my back pocket when everyone else on the ride rode by: 15
Number of Independent Fabrication bicycles i spy on this ride: 3
Number of which are made of the same material: 0
Number of riders with hi-viz yellow helmets: 3
Number of riders with hi-viz yellow helmets and orange tops: 2
Number of which were not me: 1
Number of cars that were in front of me on the Highway 1 corkscrew descent after turning left off of Meyer’s Grade: 0
Last time that happened: 2010
Number of times I observed a vehicle violating California Vehicle Code section 27001 in sounding their horn in close proximity to cyclists: 4
Number of coconut waters consumed : 1
Number of Raymond Bakery’s Roma Tomato and Pesto foccacia’s consumed: 1
Number of minutes having to lay down at the base of Coleman Valley because of eating too much foccacia with coconut water in Jenner: 10
Number of new to me club members I met who were very friendly and even waited for me: 3
Number of horses on Coleman Valley who had tails that were moving and caused me to ask myself: “is it the wind or is it the horse?” 2
How fast my Garmin said I was traveling when I was stopped at a signal, unclipped and with a foot on the ground: 0.3 mph
Number of calories expended on this ride as expressed in pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream: 3
Actually quantity of ice cream consumed post ride: ½ pint of Steve’s salted caramel.