SRCC Historical Time Line The Santa Rosa Cycling Club was founded—under another name—in the early 1960s. Unfortunately, almost all records from that earlier period in the club were lost around 1981, supposedly in a fire in someone’s garage. However, we have a brief summary of those early years preserved in a small article that appeared in a 1982 club newsletter. A later newsletter editor reprinted that copy in another newsletter sometime in the 1990s, and you can read that article here. What follows here are brief thumbnails of club life for each year since 1982. The earliest newsletters were very sketchy about actual details of club activity. Lots of anecdotes but not a lot of facts. As the years go by, more and more details were recorded in the newsletters and could be extracted and placed in this chronology.
Century Tour (not yet known as Wine Country Century), Saturday, May 1; 132 participants; Co-chairs: Tom Helm, Keith Howell; Pleasant weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 26; 56 participants; 23 finishers, 14 by 10 pm (25%); Chair: Jim Kreofsky 1983 Members: 124 (as of October) Board: President: Tom Helm VP(s): Lynn Woznicki, John Lusby Treasurer: Maurice Magsamen Newsletter Editor: Orville Hubbard, then Jim Harris, beginning in May, and finally Elliot Kallen in September Ride Director: Keith Howell Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 1; 256 participantsChair: Keith HowellBeautiful weathe Terrible Two: Saturday, June 25; 57 participants16 finishers, 12 by 10 pm (21%)Chair: Tom Helm Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • First End-of-Summer picnic, September 9 (Armstrong Woods) • Bike Rodeo safety program for kids • Contest to design a club jersey
Members: 124 (as of October) Board:
Newsletter Editor: Elliot Kallen Ride Director: Tom Helm Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 6; 600 participants; Chair: Keith Howell; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 9; 43 participants,21 finishers (49%); Chair: Not recorded; Pleasant weather Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • End-of-Summer picnic, September 9 (Armstrong Woods) • Bike Rodeo safety program for kids • Club logo t-shirts
Members: 117 (as of March) Board:
Newsletter Editor: Elliot Kallen through July, then Lou Salz took over Ride Director: Tom Helm Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 5; 1000 participantsChair: Tom HelmBeautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 22; 31 participants. 19 finishers (61%); Co-chairs: Keith Howell, Geronimo Garcia; One year only all-Sonoma County route because Napa bureaucrats refused to allow “unsafe” ride in their county. Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • End-of-Summer picnic, September 8 (Armstrong Woods) • Bike Rodeo safety program for kids
Members: 54 (as of February…probably not complete list) Board:
Newsletter Editor: Lou Salz (until June, then no one) Ride Directors: Ron Engelhardt, Jeff Yparraguirre Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 4; 800 participants; Chair: Stuart Chappell; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 22; 29 participants, 15 finishers, 13 by 10:00 PM (45%); Chair: Jeff Yparraguirre; Light drizzle Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • End-of-Summer picnic, September 21 (Armstrong Woods) • Bike Rodeo safety program for kids • New by-laws introduced • Elaine Marriolle, RAAM participant, guest speaker at Feb meeting 1987 Members: NA Board:
Newsletter Editor: Michael Rabbitt Ride Director: Stuart Chappell Wine Country Century, Sunday, May 3; 1050 participants; Co-chairs: Lou Salz, Frank Ball; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 13; 26 participants, 16 finishers; 15 by 10:00 PM (46%); Chair: Jeff Yparraguirre; Windy but mild Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • End-of-Summer picnic, September 19 (Spring Lake Park) 1988 Members: Approximately 90 (?) Board:
Newsletter Editor: Mike Nelson, then Laura Nidros Ride Directors: Don Wolf, Michael Rabbitt Wine Country Century, Sunday, May 1; 1059 participants; Chair: Kira Skidmore (?); 80 volunteers listed in newsletter Terrible Two: Saturday, June 24; 28 participants, 13 finishers (46%); Chair: Jeff Yparraguirre; Very hot; New course record: Mark Cederberg, 12:12 Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • End-of-Summer picnic, September 11 (Spring Lake Park) • SRCC assists in forming RETAG (Redwood Empire Trails Assistance Group) to work on safe and courteous relations between mtn bikers and other trail users in Annadel SP • Coors Classic Pro Bike Race does stage on King Ridge and Coleman Valley; SRCC did a century over the same course, calling it the Santa Rosa Challenge Ride Notable accomplishments: • Rolf Renner wins his age division time trial at the Masters National Championship in Florida (40 K in 59:57)
Members: Approximately 200 Board:
Newsletter Editor: Laura Nidros Ride Director: Don Wolf, Harvey Miller Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 13; participant numbers not recorded; Chair: Sandy DeChene; Beautiful weather; Gross; $16,649.00; Expenses: $11,769.00; Net: $ 4,880.00 Terrible Two: Saturday, June 24; 33 participants,24 finishers, 26 by 10:00 PM (73%); Chair: Laura Nidros; Beautiful weather; New course record: James Daniel, 12:01 Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • End-of-Summer Picnic canceled (no volunteer energy) • New club ride specs introduced in March • From the November meeting minutes: "Several club members brought up some difficulties with the pace of club rides. They were faster than advertised. These rides were put in the newsletter as medium or slower rides and when the ride left the high school, the pace was fast as it left town and got faster." • Guest speakers include… Elaine Mariolle, former RAAM champion; Andy Grayson, National Trials champion; Martha Kennedy, two-time Iditabike champion; Scot Nichol of Ibis Cycles 1990 Members: NA Board:
Newsletter Editor: Laura Nidros Ride Director: Sandy DeChene Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 5; 1450 participants; Chair: Sandy DeChene; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 23; 39 participants;27 finishers, 26 by 10:00 PM (67%); Chair: Laura Nidros; Beautiful weather Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • End-of-Summer Picnic (Spring Lake Park, SR) Notable accomplishments: • Petaluma Crit, July 1: Bill Schum (Masters 4): 1st; Midori Dudzik (Women 4): 1st • Ohlone Crit, July 15: Midori Dudzik (Women 3/4): 1st • Santa Rosa Twilights, July 18: Bill Schum (Senior 4): 1st, August 8: Allan Armstrong (CItizens): 1st • Cat 4 Championships, Livermore, July 28-29: Midori Duzik: 2nd in TT, 2nd in Crit, 2nd in Road Race • Folsom Crit, August 4: Midori Dudzik (Women 4): 1st • Western Section Masters Championships, Sept 1-2: Midori Dudzik (Women 30-40): 1st in Road Race, 3rd in Crit, 1st overall 1991 Members: NA Board:
Newsletter Editor: Laura Nidros Ride Director: Kris Dwelley Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 4; Chair: Brian Rushka The June, July, and August newsletters are missing from the archives, so we have no information about the final attendance at the WCC, nor about the weather. In the May newsletter, it states that 376 had registered as of April 1. Terrible Two: Cancelled. See note above about missing newsletters. The ride had been scheduled for June 22 (and so listed in the May newsletter), but it seems the members simply dropped the ball on getting it off the ground. No one took change and made it happen. Of note: • Executive Board election at January meeting • Powell's Clear Lake Camp-out in May • End-of-Summer Picnic (Spring Lake Park, SR) • 1991 marks one of the low points in club activity and energy. Poor leadership on all fronts allowed the club to stagnate and lose momentum.
Members: 240 Board:
Newsletter Editor: Laura Nidros, Bill Ellis Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 2; number of participants not recorded (less than 1500); Chair: Brian Rushka; Nice weather (80°), tailwinds Terrible Two: Saturday, June 20; 44 participants; 22 finishers, 20 by 10:00 PM (45%); Chair: Bill Oetinger; Extremely hot (106° in Cloverdale) all around the course…brutal Of note: • First ever New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Marty & Sue Powell) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Chico Wildflower Century weekend in April • WCC Workers' Ride (May 3) • Powell's Clear Lake Camp-out in May • End-of-Summer Picnic (Spring Lake Park, SR) • First Backroads & Breakaways column in March newsletter • Results of first ever club-wide survey appear in May and June newsletters • New club jersey: white, with the logo now used for the randonneurs on the back and the rose-gear logo on the front, left breast; graphics in maroon.
Members: 250-300 (?) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 1; 1500 participants; Chair: Frank Hamlin; Nice weather (80°), tailwinds Terrible Two: Saturday, June 19; 50 participants; 41 finishers, 37 by 10:00 PM (74%); Chair: Bill Oetinger; Extremely hot (108° in Cloverdale), but cool on the coast; Last year for start/finish at Dave's Bike Sport on Yulupa Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Marty & Sue Powell) • Executive Board election at January meeting • First ever Free Lunch Ride in February • Chico Wildflower Century weekend in April • WCC Workers' Ride and dinner (April 25) • Powell's Clear Lake Camp-out in May • Friendly Friday rides added to calendar in June • End-of-Summer Picnic (Spring Lake Park, SR)
Members: 250-300 (?) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Wine Country Century, Saturday, April 30; 1500 participants; Chair: Chuck Tyler; Nice weather (mid-'70's); rained all week, up to Friday night Terrible Two: Saturday, June 18; 98 participants, 78 finishers, 66 by 10:00 PM (67%); Chair: Bill Oetinger; Warm and sunny (95°); Last year on long course; new course record: Victor Czech, 11:19, Eric House (recumbent): 12:53; First year for start/finish at Willowside School; First year affiliated with the California Triple Crown series Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Marty & Sue Powell) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • First ever Apple Cider Century in March • Chico Wildflower Century weekend in April • WCC Workers' Ride (May 1) • WCC Workers' dinner in April • Powell's Clear Lake Camp-out in May • End-of-Summer Picnic (Spring Lake Park, SR) • SRCC “red rose” jerseys introduced. Notable accomplishments: Five members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. 1995 Members: 250-300 (?) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Roger Karraker Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 6; 1450 participants; Co-chairs: Richard Winegarner, Bill Osburn; Nice weather; 200-K (Coleman Valley) loop introduced Terrible Two: Saturday, June 17; 143 participants, 126 finishers, 123 by 10:00 PM (86%); Chair: Bill Oetinger; Fog and drizzle; First year on shorter course; new course record (for short course):Ken Eichstadt, 11:20 First-ever SRCC multi-stage tour: Northern Sierra Tour (Shasta to Sacramento): July 15-21; 31 participants; Six stages, 459 miles, 24,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Marty & Sue Powell) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in February • Chico Wildflower Century weekend in April • WCC Workers' Ride (May 7) • WCC Workers' dinner in April • Powell's Clear Lake Camp-out in May; • End-of-Summer Picnic (Spring Lake Park, SR) • Club supports Korbel Cup pro races in April • SRCC introduces its first web site • Monthly meeting moves to Occidental Road Round Table Notable accomplishments: Five members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series.
Members: 250-300 (?) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 4; 1500 participants; Chair: Dick Cantor; Nice weather; first WCC jersey introduced Terrible Two: Saturday, June 22; 184 participants,145 finishers, 138 by 10:00 PM (75%); Chair: Bill Oetinger; Beautiful weather (90°) One multi-stage tour: Crater-to-Coast Tour (SW Oregon): August 10-17; 35 (?) participants; Six stages, 475 miles, 19,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Richard Winegarner) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in February • WCC Workers' Ride (May 5) • WCC Workers' dinner in April • End-of-Summer Picnic (Finley Park, SR) • First annual Holiday Dinner in December (Chez Peyo, Sebastopol) • Club supports Korbel Cup pro races in March and Masters National Championships in June. • First ever Terrible Two's Bad Little Brother in March Notable accomplishments: Nine members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Peter Pop (4th) and Mike Aberg completed the CTC Stage Race (first year of Stage Race).
Members: 250-350 (?) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 3; 1500 participants; Chair: LaValle Linn; Sunny most places, foggy on the coast Terrible Two: Saturday, June 14; 215 participants,174 finishers, 156 by 10:00 PM (72%);Chair: Bill Oetinger; Cool and breezy One multi-stage tour: Central Coast Tour (Big Sur, Paso Robles, Hunter-Liggett, Pinnacles): June 21-28; 36 participants; Seven stages, 474 miles, 27,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Richard Winegarner) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • WCC Workers' Ride (May 4) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Holiday Dinner in December (Josef's Restaurant, Hotel La Rose, SR) Notable accomplishments: 15 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Peter Pop (2nd), Craig Robertson (7th) completed the CTC Stage Race. 1998 Members: approximately 370 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 2; 1200 registered, approximately 900 riders; Chair: Bill Ellis; Heavy rain mixed with bright sun…back and forth, all day long Terrible Two: Saturday, June 20; 195 participants,169 finishers, 157 by 10:00 PM (80%); Chair: Bill Oetinger; Pleasant weather (fog early and late, mid-80's midday) One multi-stage tour: Three Parks Tour (Yosemite, Kings Canyon, Sequoia NPs): September 12-20; 40 participants; Seven stages + prologue, 503 miles, 40,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Richard Winegarner) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • WCC Workers' Ride (May 3) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Holiday Dinner in December (Josef’s Restaurant, Hotel La Rose, SR) Notable accomplishments: SRCC member Midori Morgan (nee Dudzik) won the UCI World Mountain Biking Championship on Sept 16 in Quebec, Ontario (Veteran division). In August, at Mt Snow, Vermont, she won the NORBA National Championship, and in September, she won the California State Championship. Altogether, she had 12 firsts, two seconds, and one third on the season. Twelve members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Emilio Castelli (4th), Peter Pop (10th), Craig Robertson (13th), Bill Oetinger (20th) completed the CTC Stage Race. Craig Robertson completed the 1200-K Boston-Montreal-Boston randonnée.
Members: approximately 390 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 1; 1400 participant; Co-chairs: Doug Simon, Dave Peterson; Beautiful spring weather; storms the next day Terrible Two: Saturday, June 26; 192 participants,163 finishers, 152 by 10:00 PM (79%); Chair: Bill Oetinger;Pleasant weather (89°) One multi-stage tour: Gold Country Tour: June 5-12; 36 participants; Seven stages + prologue, 508 miles, 47,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Richard Winegarner) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • WCC Workers' Ride (May 2) • Club hosts League of American Bicyclists "Wines, Vines, & Valleys Rally" over the last weekend in July (200 participants, staged out of Sonoma State) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Holiday Dinner in December (Mistral, SR) Notable accomplishments: Nine members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Craig Robertson and Donn King completed the 1000-K Paris-Brest-Paris randonnée.
Members: approximately 400 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 6; 1600 participantsChair: Doug SimonAfternoon drizzle Based on our available records, we publicized this as our 20th Anniversary WCC. But long-time members later insisted that there had been official centuries prior to 1981. Terrible Two: Saturday, June 17; 248 participants,199 finishers, 183 by 10:00 PM (75%); Chair: Bill Oetinger; Mild (mid-80’s), course record…Men: Tracy Colwell, 11:18; In California Triple Crown survey, TT voted first in Overall Ride Quality for first time. It has been rated #1 in every year since. One multi-stage tour: Bigfoot Tour (NW California): July 22-29; 48 participants; Seven stages, 478 miles, 33,300' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Richard Winegarner) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • WCC Workers' Ride and dinner (May 7) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • First ever Dry Creek Litter Day in November • Holiday Dinner in December (Union Hotel, Occidental) • Club introduces new pace ratings system in August, using Graton Road time trial as metric. Notable accomplishments: 14 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. 2001 Members: approximately 400 (based on names listed in member directory) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn *Up until this year, the Ride Director was a voting Board officer. Near the end of the year, Bill Oetinger proposed that he give up his seat so a fifth Officer-at-Large could be added. Midway through the year, Sean Thorniley resigned and LaValle Linn was appointed to serve out his term. Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 5; 2000 participants; Chair: Ron Zell; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 30; 256 participants,186 finishers, 168 by 10:00 PM (67%); Chair: Bill Oetinger; Hot (93°), course record…Men: Daryn Dodge & Rich Boettner, 11:05 One multi-stage tour: Condor Country Tour (Los Angles, Ventura, Santa Barbara Counties): June 9-17; 36 (?) participants; Seven stages, 468 miles, 35,500' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Richard Winegarner) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • WCC Workers' Ride and dinner (May 6) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Dry Creek Litter Days in June and November • Holiday Dinner in December (Union Hotel, Occidental) Notable accomplishments: 18 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Barley Forsman (4th), Craig Robertson (8th), Carl Poppe (14th), Rollin Feld (17th) completed the CTC Stage Race. Donn King completed the 1200-K Gold Rush randonnée.
Members: approximately 420 (based on names listed in member directory) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 4; 2200 participants; Co-chairs: René Goncalves, Ron Zell; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 28; 231 participants,194 finishers, 183 by 10:00 PM (80%); Co-chairs: Craig Gaevert, LaValle Linn; Mild weather, course records…Men: Brian Anderson & Mark Riedy, 10:50; Women: Catharina Berge, 11:35 Brevet series: 200-K, 300-KRUSA Coordinator: Bill Ellis One multi-stage tour: Northern Peaks Tour (Fall River, Lassen, Almanor): July 30-August 5; 51 participants; Seven stages, 489 miles, 34,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Bill Osburn & René Goncalves) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • WCC Workers' Ride and dinner (May 4) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Dry Creek Litter Days in June and November • Holiday Dinner in December (Vineyard Creek Inn, SR) • Special guest speakers: Reps from CamelBak; Levi Leipheimer and Odessa Gunn Notable accomplishments: 23 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Bill Ellis (5th), Barley Forsman (8th), Craig Robertson (13th), Doug Simon (15th), John Staroba (16th), Rollin Feld, Kathy Kellison, Ford Greene, Susan Forsman completed the CTC Stage Race. 2003 Members: approximately 420 (based on names listed in member directory) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 3; 2400 registered, 1400 riders; Chair: René Goncalves; Spotty showers Terrible Two: Saturday, June 28; 242 participants,177 finishers, 156 by 10:00 PM (64%); Co-chairs: Craig Gaevert, Bill Oetinger; Extremely hot (100°+) Brevet series: 200-K and 300-KRUSA Coordinator: Donn King One multi-stage tour: Eastern Sierra Tour: June 14-21; 25 (?) participants; Six stages, 341 miles, 45,500' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Bill Osburn & René Goncalves) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • WCC Workers' Ride and dinner (May 4) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Two-day Tour of the Unknown Coast Weekend in September • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Dry Creek Litter Day in November • Holiday Dinner in December (Union Hotel, Occidental) • Special guest speakers: Chris Morfas, Director, California Bicycle Coalition; Stephen DeLaire, Rotator Recumbents; Dave Marrow, Showers Pass outdoor gear; Laura Charameda, Team Swift; Jeremy Nelson, Wenzel Coaching Notable accomplishments: Eleven members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Craig Robertson, Bill Ellis, Donn King, Evelyn Ellis (nee Bucholz), Rollin Feld, Tom Kuhn, Ford Greene, Bill Mattinson, José Mundo, Barley Forsman, Susan Forsman, and Mark Gunther completed the 1200-K Paris-Brest-Paris randonnée. 2004 Members: approximately 450(based on names listed in member directory) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 1; 2500 participants; Co-chairs: John Miklaucic, Robert Rand ;Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 19; 272 participants, 216 finishers, 203 by 10:00 PM (76%); Co-chairs: Craig Gaevert, Bill Oetinger; Pleasant weather (82°) Full brevet series: 200-K, 300-K, 400-K, 600-K; RUSA Coordinators: Donn King, Bill Ellis One multi-stage tour: Southern Utah Tour: June 26-July 5; 17 participants; Eight stages, 460 miles, 33,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride (rained out) & Party (held at home of Bill Osburn & René Goncalves) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • First ever March Magic on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and dinner (May 2) • Fall River Century Weekend in July • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Chalk Hill Litter Day in May & Dry Creek Litter Day in November • Holiday Dinner in December (Druids' Hall) • Special guest speakers: EMT Eric Peterson on bike safety; Chris Culver of SCBC; Brenda Lyons, pro racer, on racing and yoga Notable accomplishments: Ten members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Bill Ellis and Evelyn Buchwitz completed the CTC Stage Race on their tandem.
Members: approximately 470 (based on names listed in member directory) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 7; 2500 participants; Chair: John Miklaucic; Pleasant weather (in between storms on Friday and Sunday) Terrible Two: Saturday, June 25; 231 participants,187 finishers, 150 by 10:00 PM (66%); Co-chairs: Craig Gaevert, Bill Oetinger; 30th Anniversary, long course, mild weather; Long-course records…Paul McKenzie, Ray Plumhoff (men's tandem), 11:58; Tom & Cindy Long (co-ed tandem), 13:38 Full brevet series: 200-K, 300-K, 400-K, 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Donn King, Bill Ellis One multi-stage tour: Southern Oregon Tour (SW Oregon): August 6-14; 30 (?) participants; Nine stages, 591 miles, 41,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Bill Osburn & René Goncalves) • Executive Board election at January meeting • March Magic on-line log • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride (May 8) and dinner (May 15) • TT Workers' Ride and Party in July (Spring Lake Park) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Chalk Hill Litter Day in May and Dry Creek Litter Day in November • Holiday Dinner in December (Druids' Hall) • Special guest speakers: Annie Osborn on sports nutrition; Amanda Jones, Regional Director, League of American Bicyclists; Paul Dorn, Executive Director, California Bicycle Coalition; Mark Birnbaum, Secretary/Treasurer, Bay Area Bicycle Coalition; Chris Culver, Executive Director, Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition; Tom Robinson, Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District; Laura Charmeda, Team Swift Notable accomplishments: Seven members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series.
Members (as of February): 577 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 6; 2500 participants; Chair: Bill Osburn; Pleasant weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 17; 286 participants, 181 finishers, 156 by 10:00 PM (55%); Co-chairs: Craig Gaevert, Bill Oetinger; Hot (93°); new home at Analy HS, Sebastopol; route becomes officially, exactly 200.0 miles (for the first time) Full brevet series: 200-K, 300-K, 400-K, 600-K; RUSA Coordinators: Donn King, Bill Ellis Two multi-stage tours: Wild Rivers Tour (NW California): July 30-August 5; 37 participants; Six stages, 385 miles, 27,000' Southern Peaks Tour (San Gabriel, San Bernardino, San Jacinto, Laguna Mtn Ranges): 42 participants; Seven stages, 464 miles, 47,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Ron & Sharron Bates) • Executive Board election at January meeting • March Magic on-line log • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and Party in May (Youth Comm. Park) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Chalk Hill Litter Day in May & Dry Creek Litter Day in November • Holiday Dinner in December (Druids' Hall) • Special guest speakers: Amanda Eichstaedt, Regional Director, League of American Bicyclists; KC Butler, Executive Director, California Bicycle Coalition; Cole Portocarrero, Executive Director, Bay Area Bicycle Coalition; Gary Wysocky, President, Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition; Cindy Carroll on nutrition and training; Sheri Emerson, SR Public Works, on bike trails; Notable accomplishments: 15 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Marc Moons (2nd), Scot Combs (19th) completed the CTC Stage Race
Members (as of January): 600 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Bill Osburn Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 5; 2500 participants; Chair: Doug Simon; Pleasant weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 16; 285 participants, 229 finishers, 212 by 10:00 PM (75%); Co-chairs: Craig Gaevert, Bill Oetinger; Mild weather (86°) Full brevet series: 200-K, 300-K, 400-K, 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Donn King Two multi-stage tours: Mid-State Tour (Santa Barbara, Solvang, Paso Robles): June 2-9; 30 participants; Seven stages, 430 miles, 27,000' Northern Oregon Tour (Cascades, Columbia River Gorge): August 4-12; 32 participants; Seven stages, 628 miles, 41,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at home of Ron & Sharron Bates) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • March Magic on-line log & March Magic Spring Fling Picnic in April (Riverfront Reg. Park) • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and Party in May (Shiloh Park) • TT & Brevet Workers’ Ride & Picnic in July (Spring Lake Park) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Dry Creek Litter Day in November • Holiday Dinner in December (Druids' Hall) • Century Challenge and Commute Miles on-line logs all year. • Special guest speakers: Jonathan Glass of LandPaths; Marvin Zandauer on Mental Skills for Cycling; Notable accomplishments: 15 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Marc Moons (2nd) and Tony Lee (3rd) completed the CTC Stage Race. Donn King, Craig Robertson, and John Russell completed the 1200-K Paris-Brest-Paris randonnnée.
Members (as of January): 610 (This was the month membership registration went from hard copy to on-line.) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Gordon Stewart Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 3; 2500 participantsChair: Joe MorganBeautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 21; 230 participants,140 finishers, 124 by 10:00 PM (54%); Chair: Craig Gaevert; Extremely hot (105°) Full brevet series: 200-K, 300-K, 400-K, 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Bob Redmond (or was it Donn King?) Two multi-stage tours: Plumas-Lassen-Shasta Tour: July 13-20; 45 participants; Six stages, 372 miles, 20,000' Three Parks Tour II (Yosemite, Kings Canyon, Sequoia NP's): September 6-14; 36 participants; Seven stages (+ prologue), 434 miles, 40,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at warehouse) • Executive Board election at January meeting • March Magic on-line log & MM Picnic in April • April Alpina on-line log • Dry Creek Litter Day in April & Chalk Hill Litter Day in November • WCC Workers' Ride and Party in May (Shiloh Park) • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • Holiday Dinner in December (Druids' Hall) • Century Challenge and Commute Miles on-line logs all year. • Special guest speakers: Chris Coursey on SMART; Rand Libberton of Aria Velo on bike fit; Scott Bowen on proposed SR bike vela park; Brooks Van Holt of Notable accomplishments: 18 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Doug McKenzie (3rd), Tony Lee (5th), Scott McEldowney (7th), Matt Wilson (12th) completed the CTC Stage Race.
Members (as of February): 830 (This was the first month we began counting all members, including dependents in family memberships.) Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Gordon Stewart Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 2; 2500 registered, 2000 participants; Chair: Joe Morgan; Heavy rain Terrible Two: Saturday, June 20; 221 participants. 182 finishers, 176 by 10:00 PM (80%); Chair: Craig Gaevert; Mild weather (80°) Full brevet series: 200-K, 300-K, 400-K, 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Bob Redmond Two multi-stage tours: Blue Wallowa Tour (NE Oregon): July 18-26; 40 participants; Seven stages, 517 miles, 29,000' Santa Cruzin' Tour (Santa Cruz region): October 4-9; ?? participants; Scheduled for five stages but rained out after one. Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at warehouse) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • March Magic on-line log • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and Party in May (at warehouse) • Dry Creek Litter Day in April & Chalk Hill Litter Day in November • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • GranFondo support in October • Holiday Dinner in December (Druids' Hall) • Century Challenge and Commute Miles on-line logs all year. • Special guest speakers: Steve Urbanek, Pavement Preservation Manager, Sonoma County; Laurel Green on junior cycling; Bret Gave, owner Trek Bicycle Store, on bike advocacy: One World, Two Wheels; Jeff Myhren, master bike-fit technician at NorCal Bike Sport; Jill Mason, speaking on drunk drivers; Notable accomplishments: 20 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Barley Forsman (2nd), Patrick Krueger (7th), John Witkowicki (10th), Karl Kuhn (16th) completed the CTC Stage Race.
Members (as of January): 1114 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Gordon Stewart Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 1; 2500 participants; Chair: Bruce Hopfengardner; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 19; 227 participants, 175 finishers, 165 by 10:00 PM (72%); Chair: Craig Gaevert; Cool weather Full brevet series: two 200-Ks; one each 300-K, 400-K, 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Bob Redmond Two multi-stage tours: Mother Lode Tour (Sierra foothills): May 15-22; 32 participants; Six stages, 400 miles, 44,000' Alpine Road Trip (out of Markleeville): July 21-24; 25 participants; Three stages, 130-170 miles, 15,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at warehouse) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • March Magic on-line log • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and Party in May (at warehouse) • Dry Creek Litter Day in June & Chalk Hill Litter Day in November • End-of-Summer Picnic in August (at warehouse) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • GranFondo support in October • Holiday Dinner in December (Flamingo Resort) • Century Challenge and Commute Miles on-line logs all year. • Special guest speakers: Chris Culver, Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition; Linda Proulx and members of the SE Greenway Committee; Craig Anderson, Executive Director, LandPaths; Carlos Perez, BikeMonkey, on the Gran Fondo; Reps from CamelBak Notable accomplishments: 18 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Marc Moons (1st), Karen Thompson (2nd, women's division), Karl Kuhn (6th), Paul Stimson (8th), Ken Cabeen (11th), John Witkowicki (15th), Frank Pedrick (18th), Deborah Hoag (19th), Greg Durbin (22nd) completed the CTC Stage Race.
Members (as of January): 1357 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Gordon Stewart Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 7; 2500 participants; Chair: Bruce Hopfengardner; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 18; 241 participants, 177 finishers, 158 by 10:00 PM (65%); Chair: Craig Gaevert; Cool weather Full brevet series: two 200-Ks; one each 300-K, 400-K, 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Bob Redmond Two multi-stage tours: Southern Utah Tour II: June 25-July 5; 48 participants; Eight stages, 470 miles, 34,700' Wild Rivers Tour Two (NW California): July 31-August 6; 37 participants; Six stages, 350 miles, 27,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at warehouse) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • March Magic on-line log • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and Party in May (at warehouse) • Dry Creek Litter Day in May & Chalk Hill Litter Day in November • End-of-Summer Picnic (Ragle Park) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • GranFondo support in October • Holiday Dinner in December (Flamingo Resort) • Century Challenge and Commute Miles on-line logs all year. • Special guest speakers: Orthopedist and cyclist Dr Briant Smith; Carmen Sinigiani, coordinator of Steven Cozza’s Giro Bella Classic; Glen Fant, Levi Leipheimer’s race mechanic; Rep from the California Bicycle Coalition; Carlos Perez of BikeMonkey, on the Gran Fondo; Dave Townsend, Bicycles for Humanity Notable accomplishments: 27 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Marc Moons (1st), Megan Arnold (1st, women's division), Patrick Seely (1st, tandem division), Vince Herrera (5th), Don Graham (9th), Shane Barnes (13th), Robert Morris (16th), John Witkowicki (21st), and Richard Burger (25th) completed the CTC Stage Race. Craig Robertson completed the 1200-K Paris-Brest-Paris randonnée.
Members (as of January): 1378 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Gordon Stewart Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 5; 2500 participants, Chair: Doug Simon; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 16; 177 participants, 81 finishers, 62 by 10:00 PM (35%…a record for attrition); Chair: Craig Gaevert; Brutally hot Brevet series: two 200-Ks; one 300-K, one 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Bob Redmond Two multi-stage tours: Wild Rivers Tour (NW California): July 32-28; 30+ participants; Six stages, 350 miles, 27,000' Northwest Oregon Tour: August 4-12; 37 participants; Seven stages, 434-522 miles, 25,000'-34,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at warehouse) • Executive Board election at January meeting • Free Lunch Ride in March • March Magic on-line log • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and Party, May 6 (at Wells Fargo Center) • Dry Creek Litter Day in May & Petaluma Hill Litter Day in November • End-of-Summer Picnic (warehouse) • Grizzly Century Weekend in October • GranFondo support in October • Holiday Dinner in December (Charlie's on the Green) • Century Challenge and Commute Miles on-line logs all year. • Special guest speakers: Alfred Mascy on his world travels; Barley & Susan Forsman & Robert Choi of Volagi Bikes; Darrin Jenkins on cyclist signal detection; Gary Hellfrich of SCBC; Craig Anderson of LandPaths; Jack Holmgren on cyclist visibility; John & Linda Elgart of Voler Team Apparel Notable accomplishments: 20 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Robert Choi (2nd overall) and Susan Forsman (1st woman) completed the CTC Stage Race. Marc Moons completed the Colorado Triple Crown.
Members (as of January): 1637 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Gordon Stewart Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 4; 2500 participants; Chair: Doug Simon; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 15; 200 participants; 154 finishers, 138 by 10:00 PM (69%); Co-chairs: Rick Sawyer, Craig Gaevert, Bill Oetinger; Mild weather; First running of the TT200-K. Brevet series: two 200-Ks; one 300-K, one 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Bob Redmond One multi-stage tour: Central Coast Tour (south of Monterey): June 1-8; 54 participants; Seven stages plus prologue, 430 miles, 35,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at warehouse) • Executive Board election at January meeting • March Magic on-line log • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and Party, May 5 (at Wells Fargo Center) • Eastside Road Litter Day in May & Chalk Hill Road Litter Day in November • End-of-Summer Picnic: August 24 (warehouse) • GranFondo support in October • Holiday Dinner in December (Santa Rosa Vets Hall) • Century Challenge and Commute Miles on-line logs all year. • SRCC license plate holders available to members • SRCC-logo hoodies available • SRCC custom club apparel order in fall • Special guest speakers: Gary Hellfrich of SCBC; Michael Troy of SOSRoads (Save Our Sonoma Roads); Dave Townsend, Claire Long, and Jay Hall of Santa Rosa Pysical Therapy; Mariko Fischer and Kevin Bucholtz of Echelon Bicycle and Multi-sport; Barley Forsman (a slide show on the Central Coast Tour); John and Linda Elgart with sizing samples from Voler Team Apparel; Bridgette DeShields, Bill Oetinger, and Gordon Stewart presented a tutorial on using RideWithGPS Notable accomplishments: 27 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Robert Choi (1st overall), Sarah Schroer (1st woman), Carl Sanders (3rd), Marc Moons (4th), Miguel Sanchez (7th), Greg Durbin (13th), and Brian Chun completed the CTC Stage Race. At the Sonoma Wine Country Senior Games in June, Ron Hodges won the road race in the 70-74 group, Nikola Farats won the 80-84 group, and Sunny Mawson won the women’s 70-74 group. Paul Stimson was 3rd in the 60-64 group. 2014 Members (as of January): 1758 Board:
Newsletter Editor/Ride Director: Bill Oetinger Webmaster: Gordon Stewart Wine Country Century, Saturday, May 3; 2500 participants; Co-chairs: Doug Simon, John MIlls; Beautiful weather Terrible Two: Saturday, June 21; 153 participants, 113 finishers, 103 by 10:00 PM (67%); Chair: Craig Gaevert; Mild weather; 75 riders on 200-K course. Brevet series: two 200-Ks; one 300-K, one 600-K; RUSA Coordinator: Bob Redmond One multi-stage tour: Southern Oregon Tour: July 26-August 3; 43 (?) participants; Nine stages, 573 miles, 41,000' Of note: • New Year’s Day Ride & Party (at warehouse) • Executive Board election at January meeting • March Magic on-line log • April Alpina on-line log • WCC Workers' Ride and Party, May 10 (at Wells Fargo Center) • Westside Road Litter Day in May & ?? Litter Day in November • End-of-Summer Picnic: August ?? (warehouse) • GranFondo support in October • Holiday Dinner in December (Santa Rosa Vets Hall) • Special guest speakers: Michael Teller of Community Bikes; Representatives from VeloMed; Notable accomplishments: 16 members completed at least three double centuries in the California Triple Crown series. Carl Sanders (2nd overall) and Clay Stark (22nd) completed the CTC Stage Race. Marc Moons set a course record (10:44) at the Mount Tam Double. Paul McKenzie & Sarah Schroer set a tandem course record (12:04) at the White Mountain Double. McKenzie & Schroer set a tandem record (31:57) at the Silver State 508. Sherry Adams also completed the Silver State 508. Super Randonneur (full series of 200-K, 300-K, 400-K, & 600-K brevets): Sherry Adams, Cheryl Becker, Michael Burke, Jack Holmgren, Paul McKenzie, Jason McPhate, Lisa-Susan McPhate. Megan Arnold & Sarah Schroer completed two full sets of brevets. Neil Martin & Kamran Azmoudeh completed full series plus a 1000-K brevet. Sarah Schroer & Paul McKenzie achieved an R60 (a Super Randonneur series in under 60% of the allowed time limit). Schroer is the first US woman to ever achieve an R60. |