The SRCC Ride Leader Mentor Program is available to those Ride Leaders who desire to have additional tutoring or coaching for any aspect of Ride Leadership. Taking advantage of the Ride Leader Mentor Program is entirely optional and self determined.
Here’s how to use the SRCC Ride Leader Mentor Program:
1. Choose a mentor from the list of SRCC Ride Leader Mentors (TBD) or from friends you know who are experienced, effective ride leaders.
The SRCC Ride Director may help in making a good choice.
2. Let the SRCC Ride Director know you are beginning to work with a mentor.
3. Contact a mentor and develop a plan to work together.
4. Familiarize yourself with the information under the Club Ride Information and the Archive of Club Rides tabs on the SRCC website. These pages contain information on:
Club Standards & Guidelines for participants in a club ride.
Club Standards & Guidelines for Club Ride Leaders.
Safe riding practices.
Documents needed to lead a ride.
Examples of past rides.
5. Choose an existing ride, or create your own using RwGPS.
6. Develop the ride route and ride plan, including regroups and rest stops (if any).
7. Lead the ride.
Make arrangements for your mentor to participate.
The mentor can assist or demonstrate parts of leading the ride.
8. Debrief the ride with the mentor. Note what went well and what could be changed to make the ride even better.