You can change to a different membership level but only while your current membership is still "Active".
If your status is "Pending Renewal" you cannot change levels - contact the membership chair before you renew.
To change Membership Levels, log in and click on your name (top right), then click on View Profile and then on "Change membership Level". If the "Change Membership Level" option is not there it's probably because your status is not "Active".
Be careful, though. If you change to a new level you start a new membership at that level and you lose any time remaining on your current level. It's best to wait till towards the end of your current membership period before changing. If you need to change (maybe you have an individual membership and you want to add family members?) please email the Membership Chair to make the change.
If your membership has recently expired and you want to renew at a different level contact the Membership Chair.