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Weekend Warmup A Ride - February 6, 2016

Monday, February 08, 2016 9:48 AM | Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)
Just a quick ride report and thanks to Bridgette for today's ride out of the Barlow. Great Ride! It was a chilly morning that I was quite surprised to have so many people show up to ride. So many in fact we decided to split into two groups. I took the original  route with over 20 happy participants on a nice spirited AB pace ride up and over Cherry Ridge and down a pothole filled Occidental  and Green Hill roads. There were quite a few large craters on the decent. I stood in about a foot deep one at the corner to help warn others of the danger of getting swallowed up in the abyss. On to the rollers of Westside/Eastside and wonderful treats at Cafe Noto. Pretty much a sprint back to the Barlow finished the day. Thanks again Bridgette for organizing the Saturday rides and helping make them such a success. I can only assume that the "flat" group Bridgette led had a great day as well. I think overall we had 30+ riders in the A and AB groups. 


  • Monday, February 08, 2016 9:56 AM | Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)
    We had 11 riders who did the "flat" route which was just 4 miles shorter. Wow, such a great day. A subset cut the route short and headed back to Sebastopol. The rest of us met up with the "long" route group at Cafe Noto. We also saw Mike Cooper's B riders post-Fountain Grove and got some nice socializing in! We had a brand new club member, Bob who recently moved here from Durango, CO, join us. Welcome Bob!
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