2025 March Magic Mileage Challenge

Sign ups EXTENDED TO MARCH 15 for the paid program
For the free program, sign up from March 3rd
Set Mileage Goal and Ride! Log Your Miles!
Social Gathering / Food & Beer / Raffle Prizes / MM Swag / Bragging Rights / Getting in Shape / and Riding Some More...
March Magic Chairperson, Alan Clark
Your confirmation email will have the information on where to log and the rules. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK FOLDER. A separate email will be sent out with the code for the picnic for the paid participants.
What is SRCC's March Magic Program?
It’s that magical month of March! For some of us, this means miles, miles, and more miles. As a way to jump start our springtime riding and ramp up for the sunny months ahead, the club if offering crazy little challenge. Make a goal for yourself: how many miles can you ride in the month of March: 150, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1,000 or is it 1,500 miles? Make it official: post your goal at the March Magic log. Then start rolling out the miles.
Note: you can log miles for free, but to qualify for prizes, SWAG, and the picnic, there is a $10 charge.
- Cost of $10 for the full program - free to log only (no prizes or party)
- There will be the usual logging of miles.
- Prizes ride entries, bike gear and more
- SWAG - Custom/logo Specialized water bottle
- Party date Sunday April 6th
Rules: It is an honor system, trainer miles are logged separately, mountain bike miles count, “e-bike” miles count. This is all about having fun, motivating ourselves and other to get in shape, and not worrying about rules.
So how does this work? Just sign up on this page. Your confirmation email will have the information on where to log and the rules. There will be a separate sign up process for the party.
If you have a problem signing up or logging miles, contact ridedirector@srcc.com
Keep up the riding! The miles are adding up! See you soon!
The “DETAILS” for the March Magic: Social Gatherings / Food & Beer / Raffle Prize portion of the program are still under construction. Hopefully posted here and in your mailbox soon. But to whet your appetite: Raffle Prizes will include free ride entry for some organized rides.