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Ice Cream Social Ride (Joint SRCC/PWCC ride) • 2-3/AB-to-C Paces/30-50 • Sports Basement, Novato, CA

  • Saturday, June 11, 2022
  • 10:00 AM (PDT)
  • Sports Basement, Novato, CA. Jay Daniel (registration required for lunch)


  • Members Only

Registration is closed

Starts at Sports Basement, Novato, CA

Jay Daniel 415 609 1495

10:00 am start time

On Saturday June 11th, a joint SRCC/PWCC ride from Sports Basement (Novato). There will be 3 different pace rides leaving from the Sports Basement Novato store at around 10am. There will be coffee and muffins before the rides courtesy of Equator Coffee, and cold drinks and recovery foods and snacks after courtesy of Sports Basement. All riders will also be treated to major discounts and special purchases after the rides and for an additional 7 days, so hold off on those major purchases just a few weeks longer. Consider using  the SMART train running South to Novato Downtown arriving at 8:30am, and returning at 2pm, or from the South and heading North to Downtown Novato arriving at 9:50 and departing at 2:30. 

No charge, but please register on this page. Hoping to get a min of 30 riders weather permitting.

AB route, led by John Mills: 30 mile and 1700 ft elev: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39311419 

B route led by me Jay Daniel: 37 miles and 2200 ft elev: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39311484  

B/C  to C route led by James Reyff: 50 miles and 2600 ft elev: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39108987

PLEASE arrive at LEAST 10 minutes before the ride start time and be ready to ride at the start time.

Visitors are welcome on their first club ride without joining the club but must sign this Liability Release. Please print, sign it and give it to the ride leader before the ride. Please note that this privilege may only be used once - you must become a member before attending your second club ride.

Have a question or concern?  Email ridedirector@srcc.com

The FORUM is where ride leaders post the route and other relevant information about the ride,
including any changes in start time or location. 

Subscription to the forum will ensure you receive email updates of any changes. 

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