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Group Riding Clinic #1 for A & B Riders - Santa Rosa

  • Sunday, March 12, 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (PDT)
  • Parking Lot Next to Thunderbolt Way off Northpoint Parkway
  • 15


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Group Riding Clinic #1 for A & B Riders

Registration Open - 20 students maximum

Steve Kroeck, Richard Anderson, & Darrin Jenkins 

Location: parking lot next to Thunderbolt Way
off Northpoint Parkway, Santa Rosa

Please note - no restroom facilities are available at this location.

Did you know that overcoming wind resistance contributes up to 40% of the energy used in cycling? Would you like to share the burden and get somewhere a little faster? This three-hour clinic will teach you how to maximize efficiency, minimize risk, and generally feel more comfortable riding in close proximity to others - one hour of parking lot drills (please bring flat sole shoes), followed by one hour of classroom/walk-through, then one hour of on-bike instruction while riding in single-file groups.

Ride Leader Training Program - this class satisfies one of the requirements to complete the SRCC Ride Leader Training Program.

It's the introductory class of a two-part group riding series offered by the SRCC and focuses on the basic concepts and skills of group riding. The second (#2) class offers more ride time to further practice the same concepts and skills. The two-part series will be taught once in the Spring for A-B riders, then again in the Fall for BC and above riders. Classes can also be scheduled on a request basis for groups of 5-10.

Registration required, limited to 20 riders. Please register by March 10, 2017, 5:00 PM. 

Wait List:  When the registration limit of 20 is reached, additional members may still sign up on the wait list.  As members cancel their registration, the person at the top of the wait list will be moved to the active list and notified.

"Great class. The instructors were very helpful and encouraging. The location was good because it gave of plenty of space to practice each skill with our partner." 

"I thought this was well organized and well presented. The combination of "lecture", demonstration and on bike practice is effective."

"Great! Almost nothing to improve on. They gave great demos , then had us do same. Nice way to learn" 

"The instructors were very knowledgeable, communicated well and clearly cared about helping each participant improve his/her skills."


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