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600K Brevet Santa Rosa - Winters 2016

  • Saturday, June 04, 2016
  • 6:00 AM
  • Sunday, June 05, 2016
  • 10:00 PM
  • Redmond Rando Roadhouse, 2574 Zircon Pl, Santa Rosa


  • ACP Course #312

Registration is closed


SRCC 600K Brevet Route # 312

Registration closes June 2  

The 2016 600K brevet takes advantage of the Redmond Rando Roadhouse in southeast Santa Rosa.  You work your way north through the towns of Windsor, Healdsburg and Cloverdale to Hopland and climbing over the Mayacamas Mountains using Hopland Grade to Lakeport. The route makes a clockwise loop around Clear Lake with controls in Upper Lake and Clearlake before heading south to Middletown. Traveling east through Pope Valley to the Winters turn-aounnd is just spectacular.

Inbound follows the same path. 

All the controls are 24hr establishments except for Pope Valley. We will have staff there while the Pope Valley Market is closed. Depending on your timing a drop bag may not be available; call and we can work out the details.

The Roadhouse finish provides a warm shower, a meal and a place for a nap before you head home. 

Sunrise Sunset info here
Route slip here (pdf)
Route slip here (You can cut and and paste the data on this page into your own spreadsheet program if you would like to manipulate it.).
Led by Bob Redmond, Brevet Administrator (707) 799-0764


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