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Two Hill Winter Trainer, February 14th

Sunday, February 14, 2016 9:52 PM | Sarah Schroer

It certainly didn't feel like winter today, but at least the two hills on today's ride lived up to expectations.  No one was complaining about the unseasonably warm temperatures (or the steep hills), and we all enjoyed the brilliant yellow of mustard in the vineyards in the Napa valley.

Nine riders assembled at the start this morning. There were some of the usual suspects, as well as a few new or seldom seen faces.  For trivia lovers, this Valentine's Day ride included five club members under the age of 50, and three under the age of 40.  Of course, those over 50 put in a strong performance as always.

The route took us from Howarth Park to Calistoga Road, with an "insignificant" climb that taught us all to pace ourselves for the rest of the ride.  Then Hill #1:  St Helena Road over Spring Mountain.  We regrouped in St Helena for a frisky paceline trip to Yountville.  After a brief pit stop, the pace was leisurely along level ground toward Napa, then picked up again on the gradual uphill of Dry Creek Road.  And on to Hill #2:  the back side of Trinity.  After that, it was all downhill back to Santa Rosa . . .well, not quite, but our tired legs were glad that the big hills were behind us.

Thanks to a great group of competent, friendly and courteous riders for coming out on a Sunday and leaving loved ones at home!
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