• Monday, June 24, 2024 11:16 AM
    Reply # 13373915 on 12212780
    Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)

    Replying to this so folks can read below as a reminder of how to find information on club rides.

    If you have a specific question about a club ride, you can go to the calendar and find the email and phone number for the ride leader and contact them directly.

    If you have a question about something a ride leader posts to the forum, you can reply to the forum post. Do not start a new post.


  • Sunday, March 31, 2024 8:25 AM
    Reply # 13336965 on 12212780
    Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)

    Members, please read this whole set of posts.  Remember:

    The Club Ride Info Forum is NOT the primary place for posting rides, the Ride Calendar is the main place. The forum is a place for Ride Leaders to post additional information about events/rides that are ALREADY listed on the Calendar.  The leader does not need to post to the forum if all the info is listed on the calendar item.

    Also, the home page shows just the next 6 rides, not all the rides for the month/year. Those are on all on the calendar. The home page just automatically pulls the next 6 rides from the full calendar.

    If all the information on the ride is on the calendar item, the leader does not need to post to the forum.

    Last modified: Monday, June 24, 2024 11:14 AM | Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)
  • Wednesday, February 07, 2024 10:08 AM
    Reply # 13311980 on 12212780
    Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)

    Members, where do you find more information on riding with SRCC?   Well under the "Riding with SRCC" menu on the home page, especially this page on "Club Ride Information." Lots of good stuff here!

  • Sunday, January 07, 2024 3:29 PM
    Reply # 13298103 on 12212780
    Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)

    New members and others, see below for the original post on where to find ALL club rides for each month. Remember that the primary place to find rides is the SRCC Calendar of Rides and Events HERE. The Club Ride Info forum is a place where ride leaders MAY post additional information on their ride, and its the place for notifications of changes or cancellations. 

    But if all the info for a ride is already all posted on the calendar, the leader may not post anything on the forum. For those rides that are recurring and where there is no route posted on the calendar item, the forum is where the leader will post the route.

    There is a link to the Calendar at the top of the home page, right under the link to this forum:

    There is a place on the home page that shows ONLY the next 6 rides (we have over 40 rides on the club calendar each month!):

    The calendar looks like this (just click an item to get details on the ride):

    Last modified: Sunday, January 07, 2024 3:37 PM | Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)
  • Thursday, December 23, 2021 4:31 PM
    Message # 12212780
    Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)

    Note that the Club Ride Info Forum is NOT the primary place for posting rides. The forum is a place for Ride Leaders to post additional information about events/rides that are ALREADY listed on the Calendar

    How do you list a ride on the calendar? 
    We have a Google sheet where ride leaders post information on their ride. The ride director (or a delegate) gets an email immediately when an entry is made to the sheet and then uses that information to create a calendar item (an "event") on our website calendar.

    Why is this the process?
    In the event of an incident, our insurance company needs to determine whether the incident occurred on a club ride.  They use our club calendar for that purpose. The forum will not work as the entries get deleted after the ride occurs.

    How do I get access to the Google sheet to list a ride?
    It's easy, just contact
    There is a short (30-min) web-based training on how to lead and post a ride.

    Last modified: Monday, February 05, 2024 9:42 AM | Bridgette Martinez (Administrator)

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